The following is the second installment of a two-part series. The first installment can be found here. The increasing civil unrest in Egypt in 2011, instigated by police brutality, unemployment,
Category: Featured
How “Democratic” Is – And Has Been – The Muslim Brotherhood? – Part 1 (Kara Roberts)
The following is the first installment of a two-part series. Within the past century, Egypt has experienced extreme fluctuations within its society and has been characterized by outside domination, conflicting
On The Cultural Power Of Neoliberalism – Unlocking The Secret Of Identity Politics (Carl Raschke)
The following is a sequel to an earlier article published in the former Political Theology Today entitled “Kant, Hayek, and the Truth of the Market.” Whereas theories of classical liberalism in
Call For Submissions
The New Polis invites submissions both of a scholarly and popular nature that fit within its broad range in topic areas from critical theory and cultural analysis to political thought and