In my previous post, I explored the distinction between the state of exception and Maurice Blanchot’s opening remarks from The Writing of the Disaster. I ended pondering some of Blanchot’s
Month: June 2020
Political Filters And The Challenge Of Multivariate Political Analysis (Jonathan Cole)
Political reality is multivariate, although you would never know it based on news reporting, political commentary and the rhetoric of politicians and activists alike. This is because we all, consciously
Identity Politics And Ressentiment, Part 2 (Camila Bassi)
The following is the second installment of a two-part series. The first can be found here. Privilege Production of Impasse – The case of the Deadlock Between Radical Feminists and
Identity Politics And Ressentiment, Part 1 (Camila Bassi)
“The tradition of all the dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brain of the living.” – Karl Marx “the late modern liberal subject quite literally seethes with ressentiment.”
A Nation Of True Believers (Robert Wright)
After the Great War, the Great Depression, and the Holocaust, many thinkers tried to figure out what was wrong with the world. I’ve discussed some of their work in earlier
History Repeated As Farce – White Anarchists Must Not Co-Opt The Movement For Black Justice (Carl Raschke)
This article is republished from the author’s private blog at “We want justice, we want anarchy”. Thus read a sign of protesters standing this past weekend in the median