The following is the third of a three-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. The Resulting Global Wombfare Political regimes subsequently follow demographic regimes. Eastern Orthodox theologian

The following is the third of a three-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. The Resulting Global Wombfare Political regimes subsequently follow demographic regimes. Eastern Orthodox theologian
The following is the second of a three-part series. The first can be found here. Globalization of Fertility Decline Political theologies of pronatalism must be set within the greater global
The following is the first of a three-part series. Demography, the return of religion and secularization are linked together within the paradigm of globalization. Is there a return of religion
The Journal for Cultural and Religious Theory and The New Polis in collaboration with representatives of the University of Denver announces a call for papers and presentations for a set
The following is the text of the University Lecture given by New Polis editor Carl Raschke for the University of Denver (DU). According to the DU website, “the University Lecturer
How do we make sense of the present world, which seems to be simultaneously coming together and coming apart at the seams? From a seemingly interminable Covid pandemic to the
The following is the second of a two-part series. The first can be found here. Derrida also posits the opposite of media-friendly religion, that of the ‘Rushdie affair’, whereby Iranian
The following is the video and transcript of the fourth “Critical Conversation”, a monthly Zoom seminar with advance registration sponsored by The New Polis and Whitestone Publications and involving international scholars. The
The Great Global Covid-19 Pandemic has functioned in recent weeks as a gigantic, media-tinged Rorschacht ink blot upon which anyone and everyone is invited to project both their deepest political
Drugs and spices have long been at the center of global trade, but the concept of “drug” in its modern, Western sense is particularly derived from interactions with cultural “others.”