January 14, 2025

CRITICAL CONVERSATIONS – The Power of “Political Erasure”, A Seminar With Arthur Bradley (Announcements)

Sign up for this online seminar with distinguished British political philosopher Arthur Bradley on the compelling and most timely issue of “political erasure.“ When? Thursday, March 10, 10:00-12:00 am Mountain

Cosmpolitan Ethics In Glasgow – Reframing Climate Change From A Kantian Perspective, Part 2 (Dianna Able)

The following is the second of a two-part series. The first can be found here. Nevertheless, until parties acknowledge the magnitude their contributions should reach, the world will continue to

Cosmopolitan Ethics In Glasgow – Reframing Climate Change From A Kantian Perspective, Part 1 (Dianna Able)

The following is the first of a two-part series. The earth has reached a critical point in history. Since the Industrial Revolution, human activity and progress have created so much

Escaping Freedom – The Interstitial Politics of Emmanuel Levinas (Joshua Lawrence)

This paper was first delivered at the 2020 Annual Telos-Paul Piccone Institute Conference.          As conceived in a liberal framework, the subject is primarily rational (or at least rational enough) and