The following is the third of a four-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. While judaeo-christian contexts are perhaps rightfully suspicious of “idolatry” here, the superimposing

The following is the third of a four-part series. The first can be found here, the second here. While judaeo-christian contexts are perhaps rightfully suspicious of “idolatry” here, the superimposing
The following is the video and transcript of the fifth “Critical Conversation”, a monthly Zoom seminar with advance registration sponsored by The New Polis and Whitestone Publications and involving indigenous and international
In my previous post, I argued that as a pagan figure, Pan manifests an Edwardian desire to re-enchant England as a critique of the British Empire while also remaining intellectually
The following is the second of a two-part series. The first can be found here. A previous version of this article provided an incorrect name and bio for the author.
Approximately 75 years ago, as Soviet and Allied armies were converging from opposite directions to crush the demonic dominion of Nazi Germany across Europe, two books were published that would
In my previous post, I took a turn from direct analysis of Dialectic of Enlightenment to engage with David Scott’s writing on tragic disposition in Conscripts of Modernity. I then focused